Starward Rogue Update 1.011-1012: 4 New Enemies, Performance Fixes

Another two updates!  These one have four enemies, three of which are community-created.  This also fixes the performance-eating aspects of our own recently-added Demesne enemy.  And there was a performance regression in 1.010 in general that is now fixed.  Sorry about all the hitching that was causing — it was worst on linux, but happening on…


Great work on Starward Rogue, team! Now you’re all laid off…?

Well @#$#@%$.  The TLDR is that almost all the Arcen staff are going to lose their jobs, effective Monday. The Good Starward Rogue is out now, and it’s getting glowing steam reviews (76, all positive, as of this writing) as well as a lot of positive youtube and twitch coverage.  Mostly from smaller channels with…
