Re: Incident on the previous Thursday

Memorandum ————————————————- From: Skylaxian Diplomatic Corps HQ, Betamax To: Skylaxian Embassy, Burlustia Subject: Re: Incident on the previous Thursday ————————————————- Under no circumstances whatsoever should any of our personnel ever walk in to a Burlustian bar again. . P.S. surveillance indicates that all of their buildings are actually bars. . .


Stars Beyond Reach: What we’re working on, plus spotlight on the Zenith aliens.

Apologies again for my slowness regarding Stars Beyond Reach updates at the moment.  I’ve been active in the forums since this project answering questions here and there if you haven’t been there.  But carving out the time for organized posts sometimes is a bit tricky. The last week or so has seen Keith working like crazy on implementing…


Hey, the Arcen wiki is now open for all to edit!

 Well hello!  I’ll have more information on Stars Beyond Reach later in the week.  But for the moment, I wanted to give a quick important announcement about our wiki.  Previously it was invite-only, and mainly edited by staff.  Consequently it was often out of date. Now it’s open to anyone to edit, although you do…


For shame! No cookie for Chris, lots of Stars Beyond Reach screenshots for you.

Are you kidding me, self?  It’s really been since December 4th that you last posted an update? Sorry about that, me.  I, uh, have been really busy.  First of all, we’ve been working like crazy on the game itself.  Plus some other fun stuff related to the game.  And, you know, Christmas and New Years.…


TLF Version 2.008 (Cumulative Hotfixes)

Version 2.008 is the latest in a series of post-expansion-release hotfixes.  We’ve been posting about these on our forums, but individually these releases weren’t really worth doing a full blog/announcement post about.  So let’s talk about these cumulatively! First of all, for those who have been following along already, here’s what is new in the very latest…


The Last Federation 2.0 and Betrayed Hope Expansion Arrive Today

We’re happy to announce The Last Federation’s first expansion Betrayed Hope has officially released on Steam, and other digital storefronts. To celebrate, the new content will extend its beta discount of 10% through launch week, and the base game is on sale for 55% off as well. The expansion includes 17 new ships, 2 new solar system backgrounds,…
