AVWW Update: Windstorms, Fast-Travel, Vengeful Ghosts, Strategic Overlay, Citybuilding, Character Selection/Stats, Caving, Boss Types

It’s been a couple of weeks since our last update, but we’ve been hard at work!  No video  this time, but I wanted to tell you about a few things that are new or altered in the game, since we’re getting close to public beta.  We’re hoping to hit that stage in about another week…


Tidalis 85% Off On Steam

Arcen Games’ addicting puzzle game Tidalis is on sale for 85% off as Steam’s Daily Deal for today, and today only. That means until 10 AM PDT tomorrow–Wednesday, August 24–anyone can grab a copy (or copies) of Tidalis for just $1.50/€1.20/£1.05. For those new to the game, Tidalis is a block-based puzzler with casual appeal,…


AI War LP Videos

Several “Let’s Play” video series for AI War have been popping up and we wanted to share! A big thanks goes out to these guys for taking the time to put all this good stuff together. YT User TheBlackworth 28-Part Let’s Play Series (Over 7 hours of footage!) YT User Upuauta’s 7-Part SMPTG Series YT…


AVWW: New Character Models, Time Period Details, and 17 Minutes of Gameplay Footage

Arcen Games is wholly excited to announce new updates for their procedurally-generated exploration and survival game A Valley Without Wind. A ton of work has been put in over the past couple months, as the game edges closer to its first playable beta. Today includes reveals for brand new character models, the introduction of armor…
