AI War 2 – 5.014 The Tom Show

New build! This one is brought to you by Tom Prince, who did literally everything included in it. Lots of various fixes and improvements in here, some relating to dyson spheres, others the dark zenith sidekick, others expert mode, others the zenith trader in necromancer games, and others various parts of the ui. It’s…

AI War 2 – 5.013 Many Various

New build! Lots of unrelated things in here, from lots of different people. We have a couple of new folks in svn making changes and additions now, namely Mike007/Facciola007 and Dismiss. Tom Prince continues to knock out an impressive number of bugs and add various QoL improvements, and Badger and Daniexpert also have a…

AI War 2 – 5.012 Necromancer Balance

New build! Lots and lots of things in this one. Among the most notable is, as you might guess, some more balance to the necromancer, thanks to Zeus. This also includes a number of improvements to the modding framework from Tom Prince, and some extra flexibility to how campaign types can set various properties.…

AI War 2 – 5.011 Autobuild And Home Ark Strength

New build! A number of more fixes and improvements and extensions to things from SirLimbo and Tom Prince, and then the new DZ Sidekick mod from Badger also got some balance updates. A regression in the tooltip code is what led to the errors on swapping fleet lines, and that’s been cleaned up now.…

AI War 2 – 5.010 Client Message Order

New build! This one is smaller, but for MP players it should be quite welcome. It fixes an issue where certain messages from clients could arrive out of order and then cause the game to get stuck “waiting on that client” indefinitely until that client disconnected and reconnected. Included also are some excellent balance…

AI War 2 – 5.009 Zeusathon II And DZ Sidekicks

New build! This continues our recent trend of Very Large Builds. There’s a ton of fixes and tweaks in here from Tom Prince and SirLimbo, as is a bit usual for recently. But this time, Zeus has come back and put out his “largest patch since DLC3 released,” which is almost an understatement. Tons…

AI War 2 – 5.007 The Reasonable Architrave

New build! Heck of a lot in this one. The Zenith Architrave were accidentally still generating income for themselves while the game was paused, and that is stopped now; they should be way more consistent difficulty. Thanks to Badger for finding that rabbit hole. Really a lot of necromancer odds and ends that constitute…

AI War 2 – 5.006 End To Spontaneous Combustion

New build! More cleanup and fixes, and this also puts an end to the “my ships spontaneously combust sometimes” bug that has been around in rare reports for the last month, and then got more common with the influx of new players. Big thanks to Badger for figuring out the solution on that one.…