AI War 2 – 5.597 Sidekick Bits

New AI War 2 build! A few tweaks to the sidekicks mods. Enjoy! Heart of the Machine private testing will resume in… “soon” amount of time! I am going to go out on a limb and say that it may be within the next 1.5 weeks for real this time. Feel free to…

AI War 2 – 5.596 Deflicker

New AI War 2 build! Fixes a couple of minor regressions from last week’s build, and then has a few tweaks to some mods. Enjoy! Heart of the Machine private testing will resume in… “soon” amount of time! I am going to go out on a limb and say that it may be within…

AI War 2 – 5.595 Deprotect

New AI War 2 build! This one has a mix of fixes and improvements from Dismiss, and Sidekicks updates from Badger. The biggest changes in here are things to help with memory usage in extreme scenarios (think thousands of Dark Zenith in battle at once, that sort of thing). Enjoy! Heart of the Machine…

AI War 2 – 5.593 Devourest

New AI War 2 build! This one is entirely from Dismiss. It has a lot of backlog of minor approved fixes and tweaks to things to fix a few bugs, and to make a few new things possible for coders in a non-regression-likely way. It also includes some mod updates, and a new mod…

AI War 2 – 5.591 Exception Tidying

New AI War 2 build! This one is various bits of tidying and mod updates. Enjoy! Heart of the Machine private testing will resume in 1-2 weeks! Feel free to go to our discord and post here: ⁠End of Feb update on testing if you’re interested in being a part of one…

AI War 2 – 5.590 Informative Quickstarts

New AI War 2 build! This one adds more tweaks to the Sidekicks mod, and also adds more information on the quickstarts screen. It also fixes a regression in the prior build where the savegame folders were not in the most-recently-used order. Enjoy! Heart of the Machine private testing will resume in about 2…

AI War 2 – 5.589 Lone Zombie, Progressive Quickstart

New AI War 2 build! This one fixes a few bugs in last weeks’ build, like the fact that double-the-zombies were being generated most of the time. There was also a multiplayer-specific regression with an exception in general. Quickstarts are being reorganized and expanded a bit by Strategic Sage. Previously, there was a progressive…

AI War 2 – 5.588 Zenith Consistency

New AI War 2 build! This one has a number of smallish improvements. The most notable of these is a fix to on-death effects from Dismiss, which should lead to more consistent results that you would expect when you’re zombifying enemies. There are a large number of updates from Strategic Sage to the quickstarts;…

AI War 2 – 5.587 Deguardianing

New AI War 2 build! This is a small one that is basically a dewormer but for giant guardian spacecraft. A fix in the prior build to a 5-year-old bug caused massive shifts in balance that were unintended. Fixes are nice, but giant shifts in balance are not; aside from opening the floodgates to…