Beta 3.746 Phantom Ship Syndrome

New beta! This one has a toooon of bugfixes. Some of these are fixes to regressions in the prior build, of which there were an uncomfortable number. An amusing one was causing lots of phantom icons to spring up all over the place, in this kind of insanity kaleidoscope. Others were just error spam.…

Beta 3.745 Deadlock Removal

New beta build! This one has a lot more going on under the hood than might be apparent on the surface. It’s more efficient in how it allocates RAM (which you can see in certain logs mainly), and it is also safer in how it allocates that RAM (thus avoiding some deadlock situations that…

Beta 3.744 Pathfinding

New beta build, lots of fixes once again! One of the most annoying issues lately has been “pathfinder errors,” and it turns out they were a source of memory leaks, as well. And also just some general performance degradation, and over-use of RAM. I’ve done a massive refactor on it, and it now uses…

Beta 3.742 “Classic Map” For DLC1

New build, and there’s some surprises in here! 1. First off, there’s a new map type for DLC1 (hey, wasn’t that complete in early 2020?) based loosely on some of the favorite maps from AI War Classic. In general, we’re going to be beefing up DLC1 and adding more to it over the next…

Beta 3.741 Clogging Holes

New build, not nearly as exciting as yesterday, but it’s solid progress: 1. On the subject of trying to hot-reload the xml files: I’ve made some progress on that, but there’s still more to do. There’s some added functionality I need to add, apparently, before that’s really going to work as well as I…

Beta 3.740 Code Panopticon

Whew, okay, this one is pretty huge: The idea of a “panopticon” is that it’s a structure where there’s absolutely no privacy, and there’s perfect observation of everything that happens inside. Dystopian thought, right? Well, in this case, I’ve been working on constructing a panopticon… for memory leaks. The idea is for myself or…

Beta 3.711 More Fixes

Second beta build of the day: I still have to chase the memory leak that we’ve got going on, and a new rash of reports of various things arrived this evening thanks to Daniexpert (that really is helpful, so thank you!), but this build cleans up some of the issues, and also adds a…

Beta 3.710 Hotfixes Serialization and Performance

New beta build! Possibly the first of two for today, we’ll see. This one fixes some latent bugs in the prior build, mostly about loading transports and saving the game. You know, not anything important. This also makes the UI sidebars more responsive, and fixes a possible glitch in xml importing and two definite…

AI War 2 – Beta 3.709 Upgrades And Serialization Fix

New beta build! This one upgrades to a newer version of unity, fixing a number of bugs of relevance, including likely fixing the freeze on startup that was sometimes happening. Additionally, this release should fix the bug where sometimes units would just turn feral on you when loading a savegame, and all bumrush you…

Beta 3.708 Bugfixes And Death Spawn

Another new beta build! This one is smaller, but hits a number of bugs that were bothering people. It also adds some more new features that SirLimbo is working on for some of his new guardians and such. There is still a serialization bug at the moment (probably), and at any rate I still…