We had one smaller hotfix, and then now this bigger one.
- The first hotfix corrected a bug that was happening with transports in the prior version with all the performance updates.
- There are a variety of general fixes and tweaks in both releases.
- The new release makes sure that you can always see your cripple transports/flagships no matter what, as they come home. Very helpful!
- The Dyson Antagonizer has gotten some balance changes to make them less frustrating to deal with.
- The Marauders got several fixes and adjustments, which makes them more interesting but is also a net nerf to them.
- A variety of fixes and improvements for The Spire Rises (first DLC), including some tooltip clarity as well as giving the Scourge the ability to guard their stuff a bit more.
More to come soon!
Please Do Report Any Issues!
If you run into any bugs, we’d definitely like to hear about those.
The release of this game has been going well so far, and I think that the reviews that folks have been leaving for the game have been a big help for anyone passing by who’s on the fence. For a good while we were sitting at Overwhelmingly Positive on the Recent Reviews breakdown, but there have been a lot fewer reviews lately and so that has definitely had a material negative effect. Go figure. Having a running selection of recent reviews definitely is helpful, but at least we have a pretty healthy set of long-term reviews. If you’ve been playing the game and enjoying it, we’d greatly appreciate it if you’d drop by and leave your own thoughts, too.
More to come soon. Enjoy!
Problem With The Latest Build?
If you right-click the game in Steam and choose properties, then go to the Betas tab of the window that pops up, you’ll see a variety of options. You can always choose most_recent_stable from that build to get what is essentially one-build-back. Or two builds back if the last build had a known problem, etc. Essentially it’s a way to keep yourself off the very bleeding edge of updates, if you so desire.
The Usual Reminders
Quick reminder of our new Steam Developer Page. If you follow us there, you’ll be notified about any game releases we do.
Also: Would you mind leaving a Steam review for some/any of our games? It doesn’t have to super detailed, but if you like a game we made and want more people to find it, that’s how you make it happen. Reviews make a material difference, and like most indies, we could really use the support.