Release notes here!
This one (0.703 and 0.704) includes a wide variety of changes:
* A ton of work on getting multiplayer functional again (still a ways to go, but it’s much further along).
* A variety of quality-of-life improvements like edge-scrolling working despite UI elements, and selecting builders with B unsuppressing the build menu if you had suppressed it.
* Fixes for some multithreading issues that were causing the game to bog down exponentially faster than they normally would in certain intense situations (more coming on that front).
* Fixes for some bugs that were killing the OSX build.
* Alterations to make the “main menu ship” more visually interesting without you feeling like it was pressed up against the screen.
* Tooltips in the lobby (and making them show on top of other things).
* A couple more batches of unit models integrated.
But the main and most obvious change is that all the ship icons have been redone. You know those color strips under a bunch of the icons to tell the different turrets apart (same with starships, guardians, etc)? Those were the “flairs”. Bye-bye flairs! Now all the turrets, etc, get a unique icon.
That said, the icons have to communicate a ton of information, so please tell us how they’re doing at that.