New build!
Heck of a lot in this one. The Zenith Architrave were accidentally still generating income for themselves while the game was paused, and that is stopped now; they should be way more consistent difficulty. Thanks to Badger for finding that rabbit hole.
Really a lot of necromancer odds and ends that constitute polish, error avoidance, better handling of edge cases, and so on. Most of that was Tom Prince. There are also some new modules in for the Necromancer now that cost a mere one module point, so you won’t be forced to have remainders anymore. Thanks to Zeus.
Evidently we still have some softlock situations, and aborting all the threads was not working, so that was clearly not a thread stuck issue. That mean it was an “Exchanger variable” stuck in a wrong state. I extended the threading framework to now centralized ThreadingExchangers, and extended the “abort all threads” functionality to reset these, as well. This should definitively let us find the softlocks for anyone who still has them… knock on wood.
Oh, Elderlings are no longer such Science Pinatas for human empires. That was a nice thing to get rid of. A number of other bugfixes, some MP specific and some not, in general. Few mod updates. Experimental tooltip mode additions by SirLimbo. Improvements to the Showdown Device hacking. Dyson Sphere faction hacking scaling balance from StarKelp.
So many things!
More to come soon.