AI War 2 – 5.545 Laser Beams

New AI War 2 build: This fixes the non-point-laser beams all acting like point-lasers and just hitting their destination target, which made a variety of large ships, most notably the spire, way weaker than they were supposed to be. That was a regression from March 17th, so it was in there about half a…

AI War 2 – 5.543 Dismissed

New AI War 2 build: one is entirely courtesy of Dismiss, hence the name for the patch. All of these are pretty much hotfix-focused things, including some visual glitches, that one crash issue from the last two builds, and some mod updates as well. Big thanks to Dismiss on this one, and please see…

5.542 Mercenary Pirates And Memory Allocation

New AI War 2 build: thanks to Dismiss in particular on this one, as he hunted down some code that was causing memory allocation exceptions and crashes in the prior build. Some things from a background thread had been altered to touch things on a main thread that were never supposed to be touched,…

AI War 2 – 5.541 Fully Armed And Operational Dyson Sphere

New AI War 2 build: one has a number of mod improvements, including some things for Sidekicks, and leveling up the Dyson Sphere sidekick in particular. The work of the Badger. It also has a lot of experimental tooltip improvements that you can opt into from SirLimbo, and some updates to AMU. It also…

AI War 2 – 5.540 Civvies Return

New AI War 2 build: Mostly just a small hotfix. If you’ve been having performance issues in recent versions, it may be because the enable reinforcement logging was for some reason turned on. This build should automatically set that back to off if that was the case. But you can also look in Settings,…